A true account of a visit to The English Mansion from one of Mistress Sidonia’s personal slaves. Continued…
Do I hear the faint noise of high heels clicking on a hard floor or am I dreaming? The night had been a long one, and I had lost count of the number of times that I had fallen in and out of sleep; my mind still racing well aware of the cold chains and floor that kept me company. No, this was the unmistakable sound of Mistress Sidonia’s heels, her distinctive, purposeful step that never failed to send my heart racing. Just as these thoughts were forming, a sharp tug on the chain and the feeling of a leather boot pushed into my face meant an instant awakening from my slumber.

My Packing Case – An Extreme Sendep Bondage Experiance
“Up, Up, get up slave, NOW ! “ – Her clear-cut voice resonated in my ears, piercing thru the sendep hood I had been wearing since arriving at the compound last night.
Getting up as quickly as possible, I followed her out of the cell and into the main chambers. A quick and sharp, “ Position 3, now ” left no doubts that Mistress wanted me to assume the Interview position – where the slave is kneeling in front of the Mistress, sitting on his heels, hands on the small of his back. Removing the hood, she looked straight at me, her piercing blue eyes looking more beautiful and intimidating as ever.
“Had a good night slave?” Even before I could utter a word, she continued, “As my property you know I can do anything I want to you, don’t you ? You are here to indulge me in one of my favourite activities… and what you had last night, was just something to help you get used to what’s to come – I’m too kind really .. “ Her evil laughter filled the room, giving me a chill down my spine and an instant erection at the same time.
With that she then revealed a wooden box, with a foam insert that I was later to find out was cut exactly to my measurements. She wasted no time in laying me in the box and wrapping me in a thick black pallet wrap, taking care to leave my cock out, safely locked away in a chastity device. The last view I had of Mistress’s beautiful face as my head was bound and the lid of the box firmly shut.
The feeling of the wrap tightly wound against my body and head, the sound of the lid being closed in the box and the total inability to move a single muscle, took last night’s bondage experience to a whole new level.
“You will stay here in this locked box until I’m ready for you slave – I can’t wait to get started, and believe me, there is a lot to go through today…”
What was to follow was a series of experiences almost too extraordinary to even try to describe. The extreme sendep meant that all my senses were on overdrive and the several hours that ensued felt like days…
Mistress Sidonia spent a long time toying with my cock and my nipples, enjoying every single whimper or cry, or merely the shuddering of my body with her every touch. The feeling of Mistress Sidonia’s soft hands, the sound of her voice, the warmth of her body and even her heartbeat as she laid on top of me, body pressed against mine, sent me on waves of pleasure that are almost impossible to put into words.
I was her toy, her plaything – totally at her mercy, but also under her care. This feeling of helplessness, of devotion but also of trust, created a lasting bond and a connection, that still is present to this day. It was night again when I was released. Thanking her profusely in the customary way of slaves in her stable, on my knees kissing her leather boots, I made my way back home , wondering when the phone would ring again…
Good morning
What a day and night this must have been ?
Mistress know how to make you to Her Obedient and loyal slave.
you must been in heaven , just to be cloose to Her
Really nice reading about what happend to you
Take care and have a nice day / slave chrissy
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What a great idea a wooden box, with a foam. And the slave mummified so he is fully controlled. I really like the idea cause as a sub part I always enjoy to learn what she want if I can’t do a lot by myself and she gets what she wants and how the want. The best thing is imho I learned a lot for the time I’m not bound.
The wooden box would be a awesome step further than my actually experience.
Thans for this blog post.
slave 0815