Situation Vacant…

1SV-caged-slave-training-07Exclusive to English Mansion members is our new full-length fantasy femdom film, featuring elite USA dominatrix Goddess Alexandra Snow and Mistress Sidonia.


Dead end job, long commute, passed up for promotion, wanting to find a new direction for your life? Imagine being paid to be the servant of two beautiful dominatrixes… taken to a compound out in the countryside where there is nowhere to go and no one else for miles. Kept for hours in a small cage, only fed their left over scraps.

2SV-slave-cage-riding-11aThe training process is harsh, your body is taken from you – pushed, hurt, stretched and used beyond anything you could imagine. Slowly you start to lose all sense of your old self, your mind is overwhelmed, you start to accept and love this new life…


So don’t miss out Situation Vacant Part 1 starts this week with Parts 2, 3 & 4 to follow next year.Situation_Vacant_Pt1

Situation_Vacant_Pt2You can find out more about the stunning Domina Alexandra Snow here

About Mistress Sidonia

Supreme Ruler of The English Mansion. Leather clad 'n' booted bitch, highly sexed, cruel male slave owner and trainer.
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4 Responses to Situation Vacant…

  1. slave0815 says:

    I need to read some other newspapers, than I might find such a advertisement. đŸ˜‰

    have an awesome holiday season


  2. slavevitor says:

    Hi Mistress Sidonia

    If You visit Brazil, if you visit Brazil I would like to be your slave tour guide.

    Thank You Mistress


    slave vitor

  3. Teddy tony says:

    Mistress Sidonia, it would be a dream com true to make this a reality.

  4. slave worm says:

    highest Mistress Sidonia
    for years i yearn for You to reduce me to dust underYour boots,to learn in harsh training how to suffer more and longer each day.Then to be born again as “whatever You want me to be”,to be kept in chastity with only one thought: how can my service and my suffering (with body and mind) for You become more perfect while i know that i can never be good enough to satisfy a sadistic Goddess like Yourself.
    slave worm

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