This is what happens if you have a bald man creating your in-store recipes: Chef Heston Blumenthal’s Head (Top of his Body)
Summer Time Cheer
Phallic Narcissism & Brain Science
It’s the summer & it’s hot! So let’s have a little fun.
Is it just me but I seem to be seeing penises everywhere! I know men can’t stop playing with them, this just proves what women already know. Men are obsessed with them, they all suffer with phallic narcissism. Of course prodoms and naturally dominant women are party to the secret that the cock and balls are actually where the male brain resides. Men are just mindless drones, dragged along behind their ‘control poles’, their ‘on/off knobs’. That’s why they are so easily manipulated and turned into our faithful little ‘lap’ dogs 😉 Or, as a wise woman once said, “Men…
the gender that puke in their pants.”
Cocks Everywhere!
Strange things that look like cocks ~ no real dick pics we promise
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I’m always mildly disturbed by this window on a chapel in a nearby cemetery, which I think falls into this category …. https://www.flickr.com/photos/hamishfenton/7033335273….
Ha! They’re everywhere 🙂
Dear Mistress Sidonia. I’m a bald headed slave, and at a strict ladies and slaves party a while back another slave smacked me in the face with his big cock and said he wanted to cum over my bald head just to give the ladies a good laugh needless to say this caused a fight and the ladies cheered like mad at the sight of two nude slaves punching each other up, cocks were not so big after that.